Place for archiving, researching and transmitting born in 1994 that explores Land Art both in historical, critical and prospective perspective. It is aimed at “an audience as wide as possible” (Gerry Schum)
Founded by Marc de Verneuil (architect, critic)

Lieu d'archivage, de recherche et de transmission né en 1994 qui explore le Land Art dans une perspective aussi bien historique, critique que prospective. Il s’adresse à «un public aussi large que possible» (Gerry Schum)
Fondé par Marc de Verneuil (architecte, critique)

« Le Land Art est une pure fiction ; voilà pourquoi nous l'observons »
Land Art is purely fictional; that is why we observe it” (OBSART)

jeudi 18 octobre 2012

Moby-Dick (1851-2012)

161st anniversary of Moby-Dick (source)
Well, what's the report? said Peleg when I came back; What did ye see?
Not much, I replied—"nothing but water; considerable horizon though, and there's a squall coming up, I think [1]
—Herman Melville, 1851

He had bought a large map representing the sea,
Without the least vestige of land:
And the crew were much pleased when they found it to be
A map they could all understand. [2]
—Lewis Carroll, 1876

It is the void, the great blank emptiness out of which we miraculously emerged; by which we will ultimately be devoured; through which the absurd galaxies spiral and drift endlessly on their nonsense voyages from nowhere to nowhere. [3]
—Martin Gardner, 1962

[1] Moby Dick, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL, 1988, p. 72 
[2] The Hunting of the Snark: An agony in Eight Fits, The University of Adelaide, South Australia. (The Bellman's speech, retrieved on October 18, 2012 from the e-book)
[3] The annotated Snark; the full text of Lewis Carroll's great nonsense epic, the hunting of the snark, Penguin Books, Bungay, 1979, p.28 (retrieved on October 18, 2012)

Read more:
Martin Gardner
Under the LobsterScope
Empty Maps 
The Mirage of History
Robert Smithson 
Map of Clear Broken Glass (Atlantis)

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